Quehenberger Logistics actively promotes the health of its employees with the Q Active Program

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In 2024, Quehenberger Logistics will continue the successful Q Active Program, which promotes the health and team spirit of its employees. The focus is on sporting activities and new initiatives such as subsidised bike leasing.

Bike leasing for employees: A new feature is the company-sponsored bike leasing in Germany and Austria, where Quehenberger covers the leasing costs up to a certain amount. The aim is to integrate more exercise into everyday working life and at the same time promote environmentally friendly mobility. To make cycling even more attractive, covered bicycle parking spaces and charging stations for e-bikes have been set up at locations such as Strasswalchen. "These measures not only promote the health of our employees, but also reduce CO₂ emissions," emphasizes COO Klaus Hrazdira.

Participation in the Salzburg Charity Challenge: An integral part of the Q Active program is the annual participation in the Salzburg Charity Challenge, in which Quehenberger employees collect kilometres by running, hiking and walking. In 2024, 7,253.94 kilometres were covered and a donation of 1,740.95 Euros was made. The company also supports its teams at events such as the Wings for Life Run, the company triathlon or the Vienna Marathon by covering participation fees and providing equipment.

Internal soccer tournament as a highlight: A special highlight is the annual international Quehenberger soccer tournament, which took place in Strasswalchen in 2024 with 15 teams from 10 countries. Over 500 employees took part to strengthen team spirit and exchange between international locations. CEO Christian Fürstaller emphasizes: "Sport strengthens cohesion and promotes our 'Q Spirit'."

International health initiatives: Quehenberger also focuses on health promotion at its international locations. In Croatia and Slovakia, employees receive a MultiSport card for sports activities, while other locations offer recreation vouchers.

“Our employees are our most important resource and their health is our top priority,” says CEO Christian Fürstaller, summarising the company philosophy.

Klaus Hrazdira
Company Spokesman